Fig. 8. MYCN levels negatively modulate miR183 expression in IMR-32 cells. (A-C) IMR-32 cells were transfected with control siRNA/MYCN siRNA or control vector/MYCN overexpression vector as indicated. Cells were harvested at the times indicated post transfection and were lysed in RNAlater solution. RNA was extracted from the cells and the relative levels of miR183 or MYCN message to that of GAPDH were then quantified by qPCR according to Materials and Methods. (A-B) miR expression is shown after MYCN silencing (MYCN siRNA) or MYCN overexpression (MYCN OX). (C) Expression of MYCN was downregulated with siRNA transfection and upregulated from the overexpression vector. (D) miR183 expression was examined after co-silencing of HDAC2 and MYCN with their respective siRNAs or control siRNA.